Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Warp Speed

Things are moving really quickly at the house...or so it seems anyway. I feel like I am making 15 decisions daily, and each decision is now one that will be seen in our home every day. It makes things a bit more daunting from a decision making perspective as shooting from the hip or making rash decisions can be dangerous. More then anything else I think its harder to walk the line between choosing to re-do something that has been done incorrectly (or not right according to what I thought would look right) and going with the flow and finding a happy medium that will work with what has been done, and what was thought to be done. Above is an example of going with the flow. This is a shot of the wall tile in the master shower. It wasnt originally supposed to be two tiles wide for the glass tile that runs down the middle of the tile. However, there was a "mis-communication" between me and the tile guy. He heard me say center it on the wall, when I had said center it on the spout and control valve of the shower. Well, my decision came down to ripping out all of the tile that had been installed "incorrectly" or doubling the amount of glass tile on that wall. Thankfully we had enough and it was in keeping with the style that I am looking for that doubling it up made sense. This way the tile guy didnt have to do a ton of extra work taking it apart, and I get to keep some semblance of the design I wanted.

The kitchen tile work is essentially done, with the exception of a little bit of grouting on the back splash for the vent hood. This is a deail of window opening from the hallway into the kitchen. I had the tile guy put two tiles in the actual space to define where we will be putting the glass insets. I chose to use 1/2" shatterproof tempered glass in this space so there will be no chance of anyone of the kids putting themselves through it if they happened to trip and fall going up the stairs.

Take one last look. This is it, today the stairs will begin to be trimmed out, and they will never look the same. It seems like its been a thousand years since there were no stairs here, and then even the "temporary" stairs that you see here. I will say I am glad that we have waited this long to do the trim on these stairs as they have been beaten up pretty badly in the last three months. Now the problem is going to be keeping them nice once I get them trimmed and then finished this week. I am going to be spending a good deal of time over the weekend getting protective layers down on the floor to do everything we can to avoid any mishaps.

This is the thermostat for the heating in the bathroom floors. When we are all done these will be set and ready to roll at 65-70 degrees all the time. The girls wont ever have to deal with getting out of the bath onto a cold tile floor anymore!

These are accent lights that cant go in until after the drywall is done. I had 9 of these installed in three different places around the house, and they are going to end up being exactly what we want. These lights are gimbaled so Iwill be able to point them at whatever items I am hoping to get a highlight on. One of the main places that I wanted this is on the wall where the TV will be going. This is mainly because TV tends to look better with a light behind it - and its less of a strain on your eyes.

Its hard to make out this color exactly, but this is the color Astor chose for her room. Its a pretty light colored purple on the card that she chose....not as much in person. Its quite a vibrant color in preson, and I am sure that Astor is going to love it.

Stairs are going in right now. Siding is going up on the garage along with soffits and gutters. Quite a few major changes happening in the next day or two. Going to try to get some pictures at lunch today in the daylight so the exterior work can be seen.

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