Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I know, its been a long time since I have put something up, but I have good reasons. Really, I do. I have been waiting for a few things to be taken care of with the city and the bank that required me to be a bit quiet about the fact that we have moved in. It seems a bit silly, but if I went into the details of how this process has gone all the way along, it would make more sense. If you add in the circumstances surrounding the carpenters, we have really been in limbo these last few weeks, and just trying to work through getting each room put together as best as we can. Just in the last few days we have been able to get a few of the lingering pieces put together so we could finish these rooms. Its been a major challenge.

What I love about this picture is that its going to be a background if photos of the kids for years to come. I am excited about the prospect of that. Its somewhat hard to tell in this shot, but the accent wall has been completely finished and has a very high gloss white paint on it. The painter used a type of paint that is used on cars and gives off a very high shine. Its really become an art installation with the amount of time and effort that went into putting this up.

Here is a shot of the finished bookshelf on the first floor. I couldnt be happier with it. As you can see at the bottom of the picture, the dogs have claimed the space between the two chairs as theirs. Whats funny about this is we had a pile of books in the room next to this under the tv that looked like it was going to be 30% then would fit in the shelves. When all was said and done we ended up having a bit of unused shelf space. Thats good news to me as it means we can continue reading books and not have to worry where we are going to start storing them next.

I am hoping to post a whole litany of photos this weekend. We are still working on getting the front an back doors replaced, getting the final electrical items cleaned up, and getting some paint up on the last few spaces where its needed.

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