Sunday, August 2, 2009

New Perspective

This is the scene Saturday morning after Nora and I made a trip to the garden. There are 122 vegetables here (actually 121 and a strawberry). Whats crazier, is that I left some on the vine that were marginal, and could easily have been picked yesterday. Crazier then that is that this is off of 8 plants, where there are 16 more plants producing the same volume (taking in size consideration) of tomato.

I will be out there Monday night, and I fully expect to be taking at least 100 more tomatoes off the plants. Most of the above tomatoes are Juliets, with a few Heirlooms mixed in.

Its funny, this is 49 above, and it seems like nothing compared to the 122 up top. A quarter also worked for perspective in all of the photos to this point, but I thought the only way to get a good idea on perspective was to put a quarter AND Nora in the photo.

I havent worked out the numbers on the dollar cost average yet, but I will this week. Its dropping. Fast.

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