Monday, July 27, 2009

Pull the "Trigger"

Great article about when to harvest peppers here. I am sometimes still amazed at how easy it is to get this information and so useful!

I am going to go through and calculate the "projected" harvest date of each item that was planted so I can figure out targeted harvest schedules. This should be a good indicator of when I should be taking down a score from the peppers plants :) If I had my druthers, I would be out there tomorrow taking off half of the bell and jalapeno peppers.

One thing I found particularly from the article: if you forgo some of the sweetness in bell peppers by taking them off the plant before they fully ripen, the the plant is more likely to fruit a second or third time. I know this makes sense, but a plant can only carry so much "fruit load" before it will stop producing flowers. Cool.

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