Craziness out in the garden. The tomato plants are just out of control. The weather has continued to be quite most and cool, and as a result I have the largest mess of tomato plants. I use mess very specifically because thats what the Juliets are....a mess. I have been unable to capture just how bad its gotten, but I am going to attempt with more overhead sunlight to get a better picture that does it justice. For now, its just time to document all of the beautiful tomatoes coming out of the garden (and a few small non-chewed strawberries) Above photo taken on 7/21.
Picked these on 7.23.09
Picked these on 7.26.09
Picked these on 7.27.09.
I would bet that I get 100 more tomatoes off the three juliet plants on the east end of the tomatoes by the weeks end. They have all gotten too heavy for their support and started collapse. As a result, they are all going to ripen at the same time. Frozen tomato sauce here we come!!!(thanks Jackie)
I will endeavor to get some good picks of the collapsed plants before I pick more tomatoes Wed.
I also need to do some reading on how to pick bell and jalapeno peppers as I have a bunch of those that must be getting close to ready.
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