Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Whole Shibang

Here is a current shot of the whole garden. I really just wanted to get the perspective from here to show just how out of control the tomatoes are at this point. You can't even see the peppers!! They are there I promise.

Close up of two of the JalapeƱo plants. As you can see, they are doing really well, and there are LOTS of them.

I just really like the stem of this bell pepper. If you click on the picture and get the full sized shot, you will see the nice striping on the stem.

Since you couldn't see the bell pepper plants in the full sized shot of the garden. These plants have really filled out as the warmer weather has come on. Some of the peppers are quite large already.

This is a shot of the heirloom tomatoes that are ripening. We have gotten 8 or 10 of these fully ripe already, and let me say, they taste fantastic. Those Czech's really know their tomatoes ; )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quiero todos de los jalepeƱos tuyos puto!