Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tons of New Stuff!

There is quite a bit going on right now, so I am going to try to post everything and start conversations about things that I think we are going to end having to deal with consistently over the next few weeks as we head into the home stretch of the design phase of the home. We met with Joe and Gary, who is another architect at HPZS, on Thursday afternoon. Joe and Gary came with versions of the documents that I am posting, however their versions where substantially larger and showed much detail now that we have moved from 1/4" = 1' from 1/8" = 1' . Our focus for the day was to work on a minor details, and to start looking at the actual relationship of things to each other in the home. The idea is that windows are centered on opposite walls, other walls are in line with openings from the stairs etc. These are important for the basic symmetry of the building, and its something we havent worried about until this point because the scale was too small to make accurate measurements on these things. So all of the plans you see below are tweaked very slightly so they can be part of an actual space.

This isnt to say that we arent going to have to make minor changes here and there as we move on, as its clear that we will have to as we get into the more specific engineering requirements that the building is going to have.

Above you can see that we have a more detailed view of the front and the back of the home. Joe has added color to show the specific material that we would like to use on each part of the space. Our current hope is that we are going to be able to do a limestone fascia with brick on the entire building. The limestone will be featured prominently in three large horizontal bands, around the windows, and front door, along with most of the flat portion of the fascia above the door. We also added a planter at the base of the stairs. This is something that is an integral part of the design of other homes in the neighborhood, and one of the small things we are going to do to help adhere to the style of design around us.

The only other addition to this elevation is the specific look of the part of the roof where the stairs to the roof from the 2nd floor will be located. Its currently shown as wood siding, and will have windows on both sides. We are pretty excited about the amount of light this is going to be bring to the home along with the future of the roof for down the road.

Now onto the rest of the drawings!

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