Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lower Level and First Floor

Here are the lower level and first floor plans. Minimal changes here. We decided to extend the future home theaters wall out just a bit and turn one of the adjacent storage spaces on the east wall into a closet that will house the electronics, and be the central nervous system for the wiring going to the rest of the house. This room will have an extended power supply, and a large fan that will help cool the room. This is going to make the home theater quite a bit larger, and add more functionality to the house. The only other thing is that the green coloring on the floors indicates that we are planning on having the floors consist of polished cement floors. This will be exceptionally warm with the planned radiant floor heating system we would like to use.

The first floor is basically as it was on the last drawing. The only major change here is the indication of the material choices for the flooring. The darker area indicates a stone or monolithic surface that will be something like tile from the entry all the way down the hallway and into the kitchen. Furthermore, Joe added this same material choice to the hearth, and then extended it along that wall north into the butler's pantry. I think this is a really nice touch, and I am looking forward to working with choosing the materials for both the hearth and the hallway/entryway/kitchen as I think its going to be a distinguishing characteristic of the home.

Another thing we focused on today was the finalizing the hardscape along with talking about few of the landscape options we have to compliment that part of the backyard/garage area. We definitely agree on the deck and subsequent stair positioning as well as the gate network we will need to keep the dogs out of yard/landscaped area. Joe brought some pictures of some grass, and smaller Aspen looking trees that he thing will look nice planted very closely to the north and west walls of the garage. This is going to help soften what the eye sees when looking off the back of the deck at the garage. There will also be a small planter running along the north end of the room that should help draw the eye up above the roofline of the garage.

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