Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Drawings are In! And in Color!

We met with Joe today. Our efforts today were focused on the final little touch ups before moving on to larger scale views of each room. We were going to be instituting some minor tweaks we had from the previous two weeks conversations, and then working on more finalized hardscape drawings for the outside of the house. We are also starting to talk about some of the other landscaping ideas directly around the garage that will help minimize the proximity of the garage to the house. We talked about windows, doors, and started talking about materials for floors and walls which is detailed below with the description of the floor drawings.

Coming up the next, we are going to be working towards the design documents, which is going to get us to the point of no return - finding out if we can finance this baby. We will be meeting with Joe again next week to look at each room in much more detail, and as a result, be much more specific about the way that we are going to size walls, where we are putting doors, and orienting windows to the space of each room, and to each other on the home. We are really getting down to the fact where we are going to have to start making some very specific decisions about the materials we are going to use in the home.

Plenty more to come in the next week or so. I will update once I have an idea where we are going to be with the detail needed for the financing appraisal as that will be the big day.

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