Friday, October 22, 2010


The drywalling is officially done. They cut, hung, taped, and sanded 250 - 4' x 12' pieces of dryall in just over 1 week. Not only that, but they did a good job from what I can tell as all of the corners and walls are smooth and straight. Above you can see a picture of the stairwell going up to the second floor from the first floor. One of the other things that is starting to be visible to those that dont actually see the house is the little openings here and there where we will be doing inset pieces of glass to help bring light to different spaces not getting the natural light. We did this just to pull light out of the hallway into the north wall of the kitchen where there was no light.

Here is a shot of the north wall of the master bedroom. I like this shot mainly because you get to see all of the openings that the drywallers had to work around - electrical outlets & switches, ligthing and HVAC ductwork. Its impressive to see how cleanly this all ends up looking when its cut out and done.

Here is a shot of the stairwell from the 2nd floor looking down. Its really starting to turn into what I had hoped it might be when we started this. Now we will have to get all of the protective framing off the windows so they can be painted and the trim can be put on . Its going to really come together nicely when its all said and done.

Here is a shot of the basement. Its nice to actually get a light shot of the basement. Most of the time I head over after work to get pictures, but with the sun setting so early its leaving the basement quite dark with the house next to us on the west blocking the direct sunlight. Because I stopped in at lunch with the camera, I got a much better idea of what we are going to look like when we have power down here. Also, with the floor being a finished cement floor, we are really not going to have an idea about what this finished space is going to look like until the very end as the stain is one of the last things we are going to do.

Starting monday: white oak hardwood flooring and first floor sub-floor. The wood was delivered today and the flooring company will be starting on Monday doing the leveling and installation of the hardwood. We have a very specific design we will be using on the floors that I am not going to get into now (it will be better visually). I do hope that this design ends up bringing some character to the house as well as opening up the space on the first floor.

Tiling will also start on Monday and the painters will be in over the weekend to get the ceilings and some of the walls painted before the flooring goes in. This will allow them to be a little bit messier as they wont have to tarp as much.

More to come over the weekend as I get the place cleaned up and talk about my run-in with People's Gas.

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