Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Full Steam Ahead

Thats what went next to the inspection reports from the city for the plumbing, electrical, and rough carpentry. Passed with no issues (save one which I will not talk about) and we are ready to move on to one of the most pivotal days of the entire process: the day before we close the walls. What we have left for today: Stringing the walls with CAT6E, Speaker wire, Plumbing chase for first second floor electronics as well as the venting for the water heater out of the house as well as venting the hood for the stove. All of this has to be done today.

Its now or never. If something is left out there will be two choices: pay to open the drywall and cut out insulation and re-do both, or leave it without whatever it is that was left out. Its funny how months and months and months of work comes down to this. So, after going through it yetserday with Jen, I will go through it again today with the GC, Electrician, Plumber, and HVAC person to make sure we have crossed all T's and dotted all the I's. The real question ends up being, what are we going to forget, and are we going to be able to live with it.

I will be taking some pictures of the finished product this afternoon, but it wont be much different then it is now.

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