Thursday, September 2, 2010

Phase II is Close

We have a door. Thats right. The house officially can be locked up from the front and the back. Two big reasons for this happening: We finally finished the door opening and can actually put a door on it. The bigger reason is we are going to start putting in the copper water lines. Its very important that the house be locked up tight (windows and doors) as copper is very valuable and this is when the house is likely to be burglarized. It will be my job to go to the house every nite and make sure everything is locked up tight.

Here is a somewhat dark shot of the finished framed out basement. The carpenters finished framing out the basement on Tuesday as scheduled, and we can now see the exact layout of the entire house which is nice after 4+ months of talking about it and working on it. The basement looks like it will be very nice and decently large when its done with a solid bathroom area downstairs as well. We still have to work through a few of the final details once all of the mechanicals are in, but we should be pretty close to set here.

This is the laundry area just on the opposite side of the mudroom. Ironically, we spent as much time consternating over the layout of this room as we did about the bathroom. The big factor here is the water lines cannot be directly on the outside walls. This is necssary to keep the water lines supplying the washing machine and laundry sink from freezing. We have this problem at our current house all the time as the temperatures of the ground in the winter really push through the foundation walls very easily. Looking at the picture above you can see that the water service is coming in on the outside wall...but what we have done is to put it in an space where there is a larger open area. We are going to fill that entire space with spray foam insulation when we do that in a few weeks. It should protect us from any freezing that might happen here.

HVAC and Plumbing are working today inside. We were supposed to start working on the exterior flat cement work for the sidewalks etc, but its raining so that wont be happening until early next week now.

1 comment:

Spray Foam Roofing said...

Spray Foam Roofing is a common word used in the building industry, but still not as readily used in our market. There are typically 2 types of spray foam used today. One is an open cell foam insulation and the other is a closed cell foam insulation.