Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Prep day and Another Layer

Since the windows are due to be delivered this morning, yesterday was prep day at the house. Both the carpenter and the siding installer spent the day working on the window openings for the house.

As you can see from the shot above, all of the windows have been taken out and new headers and window jam lumber. That is followed up with a layer of wrap that helps seal the windows to the opening.

Here are the new windows in the kitchen. We are going to have lots of great light in there from all but one side of the house. If you look back at the old pictures you can see that ther was one awkward large window on the south wall, and one off-center window on the west wall. Now we have added windows to frame the hood for the stove and a window that is fairly well centered on the wall, and will be centered on the sink.

This is just a shot of the little things that have to be done on the exterior of the house to finish sealing things up. These holes have been drilled in the house over the previous years for god knows what. These three holes and a trap door like entrance were all under the porch. I am guessing that like everything else the owners decided to take the easy way out for whatever addition item they were putting in the house. You can see from the hole on the right that these are filled with wood pegs of sort to attempt to keep the outside temperatures from affecting the house.....didnt really do the job since it was really cold in that basement this past winter.

The windows are going in today. The plumber starts all of his rough plumbing tomorrow. The gravel is going into the basement tomorrow, and we should be starting on the radiant heat and pouring the new floor sometime the middle of next week.

More updates to come

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