Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One Week Ago...

This is what the garden looked like when I was out of town last Friday (thanks Mom for taking the photos). As I mentioned before, we received over 4 inches of rain on Friday morning/afternoon. This was the result.....The good news is that we had a decent amount of rain in March before I started to plan the garden, and I had seen the standing water towards the back of the yard. That is why I decided to put the garden where I did, hoping that if we had rain like this, it would survive. The good news is, it did. There are very few lingering issues from all of the water that the was standing around the garden. With the exception of some lower leaves not making it past a coating of dirt (they prolly shoulda come off anyway) everything seems to be fine.

Since we received that rain, we have had very warm weather. We have also had two other instances of short periods of heavy rain, and the water has been absorbing into the ground a little slower. The ground is still VERY wet below the top layer.

One thing is for sure, if I decide to expand the garden towards the back of the property next year, I am going to have to make sure I build the soil up from where its at.

We have some large tomatoes growing in the garden, and a TON of strawberries. I am going to be trying the use of deer netting to keep the squirrels off of them this time. Also, there is finally a bloom on the topsy turvey as well.....

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