Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Weeds, they are everywhere!! Its not the best picture in the world, but you get the idea. I knew this was coming being that I converted this area over from a less then spectacular area of grass, but its seeming daunting now.

So, I am going to have to take a day this week and just spend an hour out there getting the bigger pieces of grass etc pulled out so the plants have the time to do their thing, not fight weeds. Its all part of gardening I know, just the rigmarole of pulling weeds is something I am not in the mindset of yet.

Also, I had to move the Topsy Turvy as I don't think it was getting enough sun....the strawberry plant in it wasn't looking so good. I know the new location will get it FAR more sun, lets hope it rebounds.

I have some flowering on the blueberry plants, I am going to try to get some shots of it today and post that up tomorrow.

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