Wednesday, July 23, 2008

CAD Drawings Are In!

Jen and I met with Joe yesterday to go over the first set of plans created with the aid of a computer. As I have mentioned, we were very curious to see how our space changed when we had to deal with actual engineering and spacial limitations that we didnt have when Joe was doing things by hand. Posted below are the four floors plans. There are some changes that I detailed on each floor, but generally things are pretty much as they have been since after our first meeting. Joe has been making some fantastic decisions, and coming up with some even better ideas for changes to the home, he is invaluable to us, and seems to have read our needs and desires accurately and has us pegged. I have to say that I think we are pretty much set on the interior design of the home. I know that a few things are going to be tweaked here and there as we get to materials designation and the like, but I would be very surprised to see major changes to the layout from here.

By the way, I am sure most people reazlied this, but you can click on the posted drawings to get the full size view of the document, which gives you a much clearer picture.

Next up we are going to be meeting with Joe early next week to focus on the outside spaces and seeing some CAD and 3-D modeling of the home itself.

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