Friday, July 18, 2008

After Some Digestion

Ok, so now that Jen and I have talked about it, and I have had some time to let the design ideas settle, I have to say that I really like the layout for several reasons. One - we are going to have some great light in the house. Good light into our bedroom in the morning through the master bath and back windows (especially in the winter). Same goes for the Kitchen. Tw0 - the front and west sides of the house will get much more light later in the day. Since we will be spending the bulk of our waking time in the common areas, and as a family in the afternoon/evening, the windows in the back of the first floor and the in the basement will provide some warm light. I can see us having many a nice meals sitting in the dining room enjoying the sunlight.

More important then anything else, I had thought that it might take several iterations of design style for the front of the house to be what I wanted, but I think that its pretty much on the head. I am still unsure on the porch design, and I think that we are going to have to figure out how we want to do the stairs, but for the most part, I dont have many changes right now. I know that as much or more like the inside, things will change. However, I think we are talking about 20% or less, and thats going to much more focused and will be easier to work thru!

We are going to be meeting early next week, and then we will have some CAD drawings of the inside that will have a much more defined space. So far so good!

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