Saturday, July 24, 2010

Torrential Downpours....

It become apparent that we are going to see tests through this entire process, no matter the stage we are at, and the last 12hrs have been no different. We have received what has to be at least 3" of rain (I am underestimating here, its probably 4 or more) since yesterday around 7pm. Meanwhile, over at the construction site, there is a hole in the roof from where the chimney was, open back windows in the master bedroom, two holes in the frame of the basement, and a large opening on the west wall as well. So, the torrents of rain that have been coming down since last night certainly were disconcerting from an assumptive perspective. I would be lying if said I wasn't laying in bed last night listening to the rain absolutely pouring on our roof and wondering what we were going to be dealing with today over at the other house.

This morning I trekked over there with my camera in a gallon zip lock back prepared for the worst - completely wet interior, flooded basement, freshly built stairs warped and found something completely different. The interior of the house was mainly dry. Sure, the stairs were wet, and the area directly under the hole in the roof were wet, but generally the house was dry. More importantly, there was little to no water anywhere but in areas that are still going to be getting work anyway. As I sloshed through the 3-4" of standing water in the backyard I was left with one more potential disaster - the basement with a dirt floor - and potential standing water. More importantly, I was curious to see the foundation walls and if they were seeping. Again, I was happy to see that, while there was standing water, it was only from the holes in the ceiling / wall in the floors above, and not about water coming in through the foundation. Whats more, the foundation seemed to be fairly free of seepage. Seepage would really be less of a concern in the grand scheme of things with us putting in a drain tile, but it's still nice to see that we wont be overloading the sump pump even in rain storms like this one.

Oh yeah, and I didn't take any pictures because there wasn't much to document, and I didn't want to take my camera out of the bag and chance getting it wet. If the rain stops today (its not supposed to) then I will make sure to hop over and take some pictures.

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