Friday, September 5, 2008

Progress! Progress! Progress!

We are really starting to pickup some steam on this. Its really getting interesting, and I am starting to get a taste of what is going to be like to "co-develop" this property should we get the chance to build it. We have been talking about windows, doors, molding, and flooring choices. We are really starting to formulate a lot of the base costs for the budget that we are going to need to have in order to put this together right. I am very lucky to have someone helping me with this process, and I know that its already making a difference in the way we work to drive the price of the house one way or other.

The hope is that we will have a budget and plans to submit to the bank by 9.15.08. In the meantime, we are working on lighting schemes, outlet and wiring placement as well as some more specific touches on the place. I have been getting some good advice from my Uncle as well. He is an architect, and someone who I have found I share much of the similar tastes in architecture. We have already implemented at least three of his ideas in our home. Thanks Duncan!!

We are going to see some examples of homes that have been built by one of the General Contractors we are talking to in order to get an idea for both style, and type of materials. We are going to be doing more these types of things going forward as we get closer to building the house. Its going to be important to understand whats being used currently in other homes, as well as what the GC is going to have access to as far as standard materials and accents.

More to come after we see some of these as I will post some pictures.

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