Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Firming up the Kitchen Design

The kitchen is something we have really locked down exactly what we are doing yet as we know this is the one place that we have to have just right. I have talked in the past about the size of the kitchen, and the fact that we are going to have more cabinet space then we know what to do with. As a result, we have had windows on the east wall instead of upper cabinets. Until now, the windows shown above as two sets of two, were actually only one window on each side. This is change that I have been pushing for since we decided to put windows on this wall.

Part of the reason I wanted the tall, thin windows was to help elongate the kitchen from the counter top to the ceiling, but to also allow more light into the full width of the kitchen. If we were using two individual windows total, they would have to be VERY large in order to accomplish this. Furthermore, this will give us an infinite number of options for backsplash design as this will give us a far better template to work with creatively if we want to stray from the current thought.

The cabinet style is going to be flat fronted, and the wood stain will be a shade or two lighter and warmer then the floors will be to help slowly bring the color lighter as we move towards eye level. We will then be putting something like a solid white quartz counter top on the east wall counter space to help warm up the space further.

For the island counter top, I have had a design in mind for a while now. My uncle astutely pointed out that the island, and its design, will be the focal point of the main living space, and its something that should think about making very unique. I took this to heart, and since I read this in an email/post from him, I have been thinking about it all the time. I came up with a design idea for a custom made counter top, but I had to find a way to get it made, and not have it cost $5,000. So this is where I called my friend Jonas who is a woodworker and furniture designer. Jonas designs custom made contemporary furniture, and now full installations for restaurants and stores.

It turns out that this wasnt the exact project that Jonas was looking for, but his friend Mack Terry definitely was. Mack and I talked earlier this week, and he seems to be the exact type of person that I need to work with to get this done the way I have it in my head. Mack and I have a concept of cost, and once we have a better idea on the financing end we are going to talk specifics and see what its going to really take to get this designed. More to come as we get closer to that process, which should be truly exciting.

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