Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Vertiable Smorgasboard of Pictures

We are rapidly approaching closing up the walls in the house, so I needed to go through and document as much of the infrastructure with my camera as I could. This way, should we have any issues in the walls, we have a pretty good idea what we are up against, and why. Instead of spending a ton of time talking about each one, I am going to put a small caption for each photo and let that be it.

We have three inspections today, and if that goes well, we will be doing the insulation the middle part of the week, and be putting up drywall by the end of the week. That means we could have finished painted walls by the end of the month. Crazy.

Stairs going up in the basement.

The main wall of the downstairs living area

Shot into the bathroom / mechanical room in the basement

Interior of the bathroom.

Laundry room.

Main part of first floor looking south

North face of kitchen wall looking up at stairs going to second floor.

South / West walls of kitchen.

Looking north from the main room.

East wall of the living room.

Windown wall at landing of stairs going to second floor.

Stairway looking down to landing.

Master closet / entrance to the master bath.

Second floor furance set in the attic.

Last but not least is the railing / wall in the second floor. This is actually new to the house as of Saturday as we kept forgetting to have it put in. We are now officially caught up on framing with very little left to do before the inspectors show up today. Once they are done we should be able to finish up a few things and get the walls closed up.

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