Wednesday, October 20, 2010

.......Aaaaaaand We're Back

After what seems like a long hiatus things are back up and moving. Most of the waiting is related to taping and sanding of the drywall. While this all seems to look the same, I decided it didnt make any sense to post picutres of the same thing day after day. Also, I wasnt in town, so that makes it a bit harder as well. Things are progressing really well. These shots were taken yesterday after the drywallers were finishing up their last round of skim coating the mudded and sanded areas. At this point its basically about smoothing out rough spots and making sure corners are looking sharp. I like the somewhat abstract view above mainly because it looks like some old language lost over time. Taken out of context it could easily be construed as such.

Here is a shot of the first floor from the southeast corner. As you can see there is quite a bit of uniformity in the way that the mud is applied. I have seen some drywall work done in the past, and these guys are quick, efficient, and work with a high level of quality. The other thing you will notice is the house is trashed AGAIN. The good news is I am not the one who is going to have to clean this one up, its part of the price from the drywalling company.

This is a shot of the girls bedrooms. I like this shot mainly because you can get an idea for just how much mud is actually going up. Its a ton of work. One of the biggest hindrances to getting this done any faster has been how much its cooled off over the last week or so. Part of the subjectivity of getting this done relates to how high the humidity is - and how long it takes for the mud to dry so it can be sanded. With all of the corners and joints and edges out there it means lots of mud, and with this cooler weather, lots of waiting. The last coat went on yesterday, and they will not be back out there until tomorrow to get it sanded and then primed.

Here is a shot of the basement mud room. You can see the coat closet in the middle of the picture. One of the great things about this process has been the definition of the space. The basement is pretty hard to get a feel for because its so dark without artificial light. Now that there is some mud on the walls its defining the space a bit better, and I like it. This is what we are planning on making the main entrance/exit of the home for us since we come and go from the garage. As such, its important that this space function correctly, and based on the way its coming together, I think that will be the case when its said and done.

Here is a shot of the fence posts just after they were put in yesterday. We are staring with the fence on the east side of the house as it will be the dogs area for doing their business. I am quite excited to see how the fence comes out as its something I came up with based on other designs I have seen. If the fence person and I are on the same page (this is in doubt) then the fence could end up doing a great job of deflecting some of the "stockiness" that I feel from the house when I approach it. This should be finished up by the end of the week. I hope to be writing glowing reviews of the design by then.

Drywall finishes up tomorrow with the final round of sanding and then spraying the walls with primer. That will pave the way for the flooring people (hardwood and tile) to start on Friday. Next week is going to be a week of major progress with the floors, tile, and kitchen coming together. Its going to be VERY interesting.

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