Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This time its actually happenning, and the game has changed....

The difference between the original concept for this blog, and where we are now? I have been chasing a loan for this property for 4+ months without talking about it in this space - mainly to try and not publicize yet another futile effort.

However, here we are. The loan is closed, and we are now officially working on this house.

Biggest change - we are going to rehab this house, instead of knock it down. Call it a mix of the rough economy on the Chicago housing market combined with a realization that we dont want a huge house, just a nice one.

In case you forgot about how lovely the property is, here are some shots to remind you : )

I am going to start by detailing what we are going to do. We have retained the same architect who designed the original property we never built. Through the course of the last 6 weeks I have been working with them and Jen to refine what I feel is a great finished product.

Thursday morning will mark the first official progress we have made on this place since we purchased it - we are having a dumpster dropped off to give the demolition guys a place to deposit the guts of the home - which are ALL coming out. We are starting from scratch, and literally leaving nothing but the shell.

The real challenge now is going to be heading out and finding a way to get the materials that we want for the house without breaking the budget.

Its should be an interesting ride. My goal is to document as much of the process as I can, while giving everyone an idea of just how much changes through the process.

I myself am very curious to see at the end both how I felt at the beginning as well as the end, and how far the design progresses through the process and as a result of rolling with the punches.

Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun.

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