Monday, May 25, 2009

First Fruit!!

Things are really progressing. The plants that seem to be doing the best ironically are the ones we spent the most money on. They may also have been closer to flowering then the others, but we have flowers on both grape plants, both hybrid tomato plants, and all of the strawberry plants.

It makes me feel like I might not actually screw these plants up :) Other then that there isnt much going on. The plants seem to be getting big and hearty (especially the burpee's) and some of the other plants are distinguishing themselves from the rest.

The best part is that one of the tomato plants has a small tomato started!! Its very nice to see those first visual accomplishments coming through. If things work out they way they look to be, these heirloom tomato hyrbrids are going produce quite a bit of fruit, and end up being pretty bushy. The good news on the bushiness is that we should hopefully not need to use cages on these two plants. We shall see how it works out, I can see already that we are going to have to put cages on all of the other tomato plants.

I will update on this fruit and any other fruits I see coming up soon. We are supposed to be getting some good rain over the next few days, so that should help exponentially with the flowering and fruiting.

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